Your contribution can save lives
Many diseases share the commonality that it's crucial to treat them as early as possible. What researchers are currently struggling with is finding a way to diagnose Alzheimer's disease in its early stages using simple tests at home and at healthcare centres. We believe that the solution might lie in a straightforward blood test.
Together, we can attempt to take another step forward in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. We're seeking participants for our study who are between 50 and 80 years old and who can visit any of Närhälsan's healthcare centres in Västra Götaland. Participation is open regardless of where one is registered.
Sign up here or share with someone who can assist us in our research. Thank you!

How does the study work?
Step 1
In the first step, you are asked to respond to various questionnaires that you can find on the study platform HOPE. The questions cover topics such as health, past illnesses, medication intake, ethnicity, and family situation. These questionnaires are mandatory and altogether take about 20 minutes to complete.
You will also find 9 voluntary questionnaires on dementia, sleep, diet, social activities, stress, depression and anxiety, physical activity, as well as alcohol and drug use, which you can fill out. These questionnaires do not need to be completed simultaneously; you can log in multiple times if you wish to fill in any of the forms. The time to complete each questionnaire varies between 5-30 minutes.
Step 2
In step 2 of REAL AD, we ask you to perform several memory and cognitive ability tests in an app called "neotivTrials." For those without access to a mobile phone or tablet, the tests can be conducted on a computer via a website called Cognitron. Please note that the study will not provide a diagnosis or share individual test results with you.
You will be asked to do a number of tests over the course of 3 months, you do not have to do all the tests if you do not have the time or do not feel like it but the more the better :)
Step 3
In the third step, you book an appointment at one of the 106 healthcare centres of VGR Närhälsan for a blood sample. This sample is collected and analyzed to ensure that our method works.
Once your participation in the first phase of the study (Time point 1) is completed, you may be asked to participate in an additional study. If this happens, we will contact you, and you can choose whether you want to participate.
After 18 months, all participants will receive an invitation to start the second study phase (Time point 2) which includes only Stages 2 and 3.
Please note that no diagnoses for participants will be established.
The study is conducted by:

In collaboration with:

With support from: