Study management

Henrik Zetterberg
Professor, co-PI
University of Gothenburg/
University College London
Chief Physician, Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Iris Bosch
Project manager, MSc
Västra Götalandsregionen /
University of Gothenburg

Frida Lenér
Project manager
Centre for REDI primary health care Fyrbodal, region Västra Götaland

Kajsa Quitz
Project manager
Västra Götalandsregionen /

Maria Dottori
Project manager
Region Västra Götaland, Research, Education, Development & Innovation (REDI), Primary Health Care Sweden

Ellen Singleton
Postdoctoral researcher, PhD
Västra Götalandsregionen /
University of Gothenburg
Laura Stankeviciute
Postdoctoral researcher, PhD
University of Gothenburg
Contact us:
Phone hours:
Monday 15.00-16.00
Tuesday 15.00-16.00
Wednesday 10.00-11.00
Thursday 08.00-09.00
+46 10-435 80 60
Participants can also contact us through chat in the central study platform HOPE.